Bryan and I got married knowing that we had a long road ahead of us before life could really start. We were really young when we got married and both wanted to finish school. We have always had big plans, but knew that God needed us to do some things before they could happen. Well, after a 15 month deployment in Iraq, Bryan finishing 4 different degrees, a move to VA for seminary, a beautiful baby boy, and almost 6 years later, God has finally decided to place in full time ministry.
Bryan has always felt the Lord’s leading in pursuing full time ministry since he accepted Christ as his Savior at the age of 14. He entered the army at 17, while he was still in high school, and felt God’s calling into the chaplaincy. His deployment to Iraq only furthered his desire to serve God in this capacity. Though we had talked about other types of ministry, none seemed more fitting with the talents and gifts that God had given Bryan. I can’t say that I have always been big on the idea of active duty, but through many hard lessons I have learned that it is a lot easier when you just do what God wants you to do instead of following after your own desires.
Bryan, being only 24 at the time of submitting his Chaplaincy Packet, was told that he had only a 30% chance of being accepted onto active duty. He would have been given more of chance if he had submitted for Chaplaincy in the Reserves, but we knew that this was either going to be a career or that we would be done with the military when Bryan’s Reserve Contract was up. Besides, we knew if that was where God wanted to place us then He would make it clear. It is a good place to be when you are in a situation where the answer is either yes or no. Ministry is a huge decision and we wanted to make sure that we were in Lord’s will. We left it in God’s hands and waited for the board to meet to make their decisions.
In mid December, Bryan and I were having a particularly awful day. Several events had occurred within a week’s time, and we were both distraught. In the Target parking lot, Bryan received a call from Maryland while we were discussing everything that had been going on. When Bryan answered his eyes lit up, and at that moment I knew that God had answered us. God had placed us on Active Duty. Now to wait for the assignment…
This past week, Bryan received an email asking if we would mind being placed in a particular assignment. This assignment is not one that is given to first time chaplains. So again, we told them that if God wanted us there, then He would place us there. We did not want to be the ones to say no to what God had for us, so we waited and today we received our orders. So…if you want to come and visit us, you will have to buy a plane ticket to….
Isn’t God funny and wonderful? I am sure our next assignment will be in Alaska or Ft. Sill, OK, but until then I am going to enjoy God’s beautiful creation in the middle of the Pacific!
ALOHA with Much Love,